Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get skillin’?

Download skillin’ in the Apple App Store or on Google Play!

What if I want to teach something that’s not on skillin’ yet?

We’re always looking at new topics to add to skillin’. Email if you have a suggestion!

What percent does skillin’ take from lessons I instruct?

At skillin’ we are proud to maintain some of the lowest marketplace fees in the skill marketplace industry. We believe in being 100% transparent and that our instructors deserve the majority of profits made from lessons.

Click here to see a visual break down:

What is the skillin’ Ambassador Program?

The skillin’ Ambassador Program is a way skillin’ instructors can increase the percentage they keep from teaching lessons, for life. For every new person a skillin’ instructor refers to join the application, that instructor earns back 5% of the marketplace fees (1% total percentage). The person referred from the instructor receives 10% off on their first lesson received. skillin’ instructors can refer up to 10 people to reduce skillin’s market place fees by up to half. Referred people must receive their first lesson before skillin’ instructors can receive their future marketplace discounts.

How long does it take for me to receive payouts?

United States payouts typically only take two days to show up in your bank account. If this is your first time getting paid through skillin’, stripe payouts will typically take between 7-14 days after receiving your first successful payment. The first payout typically takes a little longer in order to establish the Stripe payment account. More information regarding stripes payment schedule can be found at:

I don’t live in the United States. Can I still learn from teachers on skillin’?

Because skillin’ includes virtual lessons, students can take some lessons from anywhere in the world. Your payment will be processed in US Dollars. Please consult your financial services provider for questions on international transaction fees.

I don’t live in the United States. Why can’t I teach on skillin’?

While skillin’ is open to students around the globe, currently teachers must be based in the United States. If you earn $600 or more in one calendar year, you will receive a 1099 tax form generated through our payment processing provider. skillin’ is always looking to grow our community.

If you are interested in teaching on skillin’ and live outside of the United States, please let us know at

How do I delete my account?

Email and request that your account is deleted. We will delete your account and remove all your account data within 72 hours.